Saturday, November 21, 2009

Coming home

Picked up Polly tonight from another volunteer who met the transport to pick up their foster and agreed to bring Polly to Portland. We heard that Polly is a "fear biter" which means she is not aggressive but with bite humans when she is afraid.  And we also heard she is always afraid of humans.  So we all were a little nervous at wondering how to handle her.  Our first dilemma was getting her from the volunteer's crate to my crate.  we tried getting a leash on her, coaxing her, tipping the other crate so she would gracefully slide in, and finally I just reached in a grabbed her collar.  She didn't growl or bite me but wiggled and squirmed as if she was very scared and extremely uncomfortable with what I was doing to her.  With the help of the volunteers, we wrestled her into my crate. No bites.  However, she did poop on me but I would call that a success.

I brought her in the house to meet the rest of my crew. (4 Bostons, 3 of them rescues) She got right out o the crate and sniffed and they all seemed fine.  She will come up to my hand and sniff me and usually lick my hand.  If I try to pet her, she will back away.  Any sudden movement from a human makes her jump.  She ate a bowl of food and has been sniffing all around the house getting used to everything.  I would say, a good beginning to the start of an adventure for the amazing little Polly.

1 comment:

  1. She is so beautiful! She is going to thrive with you, I am sure of it! Can't wait to read more about her... :)
