Sunday, November 22, 2009

The First Night

So last night from the time of getting her home until bed time I gave Polly a bunch of treats.  I figured, every time she comes up to me and licks my hand is one step closer to trust. She basically stood for the 5 or so hours before bed time, I am not sure she even sat once.  Poor thing, like she had to be ready to flee at a moments notice.  I set up her crate with a clean soft blanket and puppy pad and threw some treats in there hoping she would climb right in. (I had to crate all my other dogs while I did this, they think they should get a treat every time a treat is given) no such luck. She would stretch herself into the crate to reach the treat not allowing her back feet in, no matter what.  If I moved at all while she did this, she scuttered right out again.  She obviously has been tricked into a crate before and it was traumatic.  I decided on the first night I wasn't pushing her into anything. So after an hour or so of trying to get her in there, very passively I might add, I decided to closer her into a room with puppy pads and a dog bed. So, we went to bed.

First thing this morning she went outside with all the other dogs and went to the bathroom just like a pro. I have yet to get a leash on her since she is afraid of the leash.  I worked with her last night on getting her used to being near it without trying to put it on her. So I am crossing my fingers with some more work she will let me put it on today. She didn't want t eat her food and of course my little scavenger, Winter wanted to eat what was left. So I picked up her dish.  I have been trying to feed her, her breakfast as if it were treats and she will take the kibble but spits it out.  I think because it is not as tasty as the real beef soft treats I was giving her last night. She is very smart.

So, adorably, she has been sitting and even laying in the sun after all the commotion of breakfast and after meal play time. So I got my camera out and got a few shots of her showing her Boston genes.

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